Overview of UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems TAS Hub

The TAS programme is a major £33M UKRI/SPF investment Community-led, result of the EPSRC Big Ideas Challenge

The TAS programme is a major £33M UKRI/SPF investment (Community-led, result of the EPSRC Big Ideas Challenge)

Consists of the hub (£11.7M, £4M is to be dedicated to pump-priming projects) will coordinate seven research nodes (£3M each)

The TAS Hub has three core objectives:

  1. Coordination and collaboration: to build a coherent, interconnected and multidisciplinary UK research community around the theme of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
  2. Creativity and multi-disciplinary: to invest at scale in world-leading creative and adventurous fundamental research into the technical, social and ethical challenges surrounding Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, drawing on diverse approaches from across disciplines.
  3. Advocacy and engagement: to establish a UK focal point for active engagement with key stakeholders including wider academia regulators, policy makers, industry, businesses, Non-Governmental Organisations and the public.

UKRI Tas Hub

TAS Hub Programme Structure

Research Programmes complement and integrate the nodes’ research.

  • Agile Programme
  • Integrator Programme
  • Grand Challenge Programme
  • Pump Priming Programme

UKRI Tas Hub2

Advocacy & Engagement

  • Public and Creative Engagement
  • Adopter Engagement (users, stakeholders etc)
  • Policy Engagement

Skills “training programmes and openly available resources for broader upskilling and reskilling in TAS.”

  • TAS Doctoral Training Network
  • Industrial Internships & Fellowships

Our Investigators

Professor Tanya Aplin (Dickson Poon School of Law)

Dr Rita Borgo (Informatics)

Dr Hana Chockler (Informatics)

Professor Prokar Dasgupta (Life Sciences & Medicine)

Dr Kate Devlin (Digital Humanities)

Professor Mark Kleinman (King’s Policy Institutes)

Professor Paul Luff (School of Management and Business)

Professor Luc Moreau – Deputy Director of TAS Hub and Head of Department (Informatics)

Professor Crawford Spence (School of Management and Business)

Professor Carmine Ventre (School of Management and Business)

Professor Luca Viganò (Informatics)
